The Marietta Main Street Board of Directors is a group of passionate individuals who work hard and dream big about the future of our community. Our Board of Directors leads the Main Street mission to revitalize downtown through programs, events, and initiatives that seek to increase our quality of life, support small business, encourage tourism, preserve our historic assets, and so much more.

Members of the Main Street Board of Directors have the responsibility of leading our organization, serving on a committee, supporting fundraising efforts, volunteering at events, celebrating our accomplishments, and problem-solving obstacles we may face along the way.

Each member of our Board is guided by a different passion and brings a different set of skills to the table; our diversity is what makes our Board work.

The application process has closed. Keep an eye out for our 2024 board application later this year.

Marietta Main Street's 2022 Annual Celebration

Once a year, we take time to uplift and celebrate area leaders, volunteers, business owners, and property owners who have positively contributed to downtown Marietta. We invite folks from across the Marietta community to nominate individuals, groups, and/or businesses who they feel are worthy of this year's award categories.

The top three nominees in most categories will be celebrated and the award winners will be recognized during our Annual Celebration, our spin on an annual meeting, being held Thursday, October 6th starting at 5:30pm at the Adelphia Music Hall in downtown Marietta, Ohio.

Main Street Award Categories

  • Building Improvement Award To be awarded to a building/business owner with the most improved façade or strongest building development project in 2021.

  • Outstanding Collaboration Award To be awarded to the event/project that showcased a strong collaboration of local organizations to make a positive impact on downtown Marietta, Ohio in 2021.

  • Overachiever of the Year Award To be awarded to an individual who has gone above and beyond in championing the Main Street mission in both revitalizing downtown and of preserving and enhancing our downtown for all to enjoy in 2021.

  • Community Builder Award To be awarded to an individual who has facilitated the development of our downtown community and unified people for the betterment of Marietta, Ohio.

  • Volunteer of the Year Award - Individual To be awarded to an individual who has volunteered their time and talents to support downtown Marietta and/or nonprofit organizations that call downtown Marietta their home.

  • Volunteer of the Year Award - Group To be awarded to a group who has volunteered their time and talents to support downtown Marietta and/or nonprofit organizations that call downtown Marietta their home.

  • Main Street Award Categories - Just for “Downtowner” Nominations

  • Best Neighbor Award To be awarded to a downtown neighbor (business owner, property owner, employee, etc.) who is always willing to offer a helping hand to fellow "downtowners"

Main Street Receives 2022 Main Street America Accreditation

Bobby Rosenstock, Main Street Board of Directors and Main Street Public Art Committee Chair, working on the mural in the bike path tunnel.

Marietta Main Street  has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Accredited programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

“We are extremely proud to recognize this year’s 863 nationally Accredited Main Street America programs that have worked tirelessly to advance economic vitality and quality of life in their downtowns and commercial districts,” said Patrice Frey, President & CEO of Main Street America. “During another incredibly challenging year, these programs demonstrated the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of their communities. I am inspired by their steadfast leadership and innovative solutions to drive essential local recovery efforts, support small businesses, and nurture vibrant downtown districts.”

Main Street Board member Tim Glover is joined by Marietta Mayor Josh Schlicher and volunteer from Marietta College to do our annual Spring Clean Sweep in downtown Marietta

In 2021, Main Street America programs generated $5.76 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 6,601 net new businesses, generated 30,402 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,595 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,427,729 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $19.34 of new investment back into Main Street communities.

Marietta Main Street’s performance is annually evaluated by Heritage Ohio, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that meet rigorous national performance standards. Evaluation criteria determines the communities that are building meaningful and sustainable revitalization programs and include standards such as, fostering strong public-private partnerships, supporting small and locally owned businesses, and actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets.



Thanks to area individuals, families, organizations, and businesses, flower baskets were once again sponsored this year to ensure we have the resources to maintain all 360 flower baskets through the summer, beautifying our commercial district for both locals and tourists alike. As you stroll downtown, you’ll find gift tags on lampposts signifying the sponsored baskets. Many were sponsored In Honor of or In Memory of loved ones, share gratitude with members of our community, and celebrate our town.