Public Art

The Public Art Committee of Marietta Main Street works to enhance and enliven downtown Marietta's public spaces through the visual arts.

The Public Art Committee of Marietta Main Street facilitates the placement of temporary and permanent two- and three-dimensional artwork throughout downtown Marietta.

The purpose of these works is to enhance and enliven our public spaces, as well as our community’s sense of place and identity. The placement of public art in downtown Marietta is meant to encourage both residents and visitors alike to move throughout our downtown, exploring and discovering new aspects of our cityscape. While a variety of themes may be visible in these works, emphasis is placed on those works that honor the unique history and heritage of Marietta.

Mural designed by Alix Northtrup, Public Art Committee Member, and hand-painted alongside other artists during the Pop-Up Collaborative Mural Day in September 2020.

Mural designed by Alix Northtrup, Public Art Committee Member, and hand-painted alongside other artists during the Pop-Up Collaborative Mural Day in September 2020.

Public art Micro Grants

The Public Art Committee has established a fund for Micro Grants ($500 or less) for public art projects in Marietta! Applications will be evaluated monthly and awarded on a rolling basis. Projects must be completed within 6 months of receiving the grant. Only one award per entity per year. Download the application below and email completed forms to

Our Projects

Since 2016, the Public Art Committee has successfully implemented 12 projects for a total investment of over $36,000.



Installed: 2024

Artwork Designed by: Michael Ferrarell

Installed by: Michael Ferrarell and Nick Capozzoli

Location: 298 Union Street, Behind Peoples Bank

Commissioned and Funded by: Peoples Bank

Electrical Box

Installed: 2024

Artwork Designed by: Alaina Pellett

Installed by: Jordana Bungard

Location: Corner of 5th and Washington


Installed: 2023

Framed Designed and Fabricated by: Todd Morrow

Featured Gallery Artists: Jessica King, Jon Eells, Beth Nash, Liz Davenport, Cam Benson, and Joe Ryckebosch

Photos by: Michelle Waters

Location: Along the bike path on Post Street

Art Local Program

Marietta Main Street launched a new effort in 2022 to support the investments of downtown building and business owners into public art, matching up to $1,500 or 50% for interior and exterior art projects on downtown buildings. Marietta Main Street supported two mural installations through the Art Local Program in 2022, leveraging over $6,000 in investment.

Woodland Mural by Leah Seaman

Wit & Whimzy, 154 Front Street

Colorful Community Mural by Alix Northup

Clutch Collective MOV, 152 Front Street

“ohio river tunnel” mural

Installed: 2021

Mural Design & Painting by: Hailey Bennett, Beth Nash, Bobby Rosenstock, & Julie Zickefoose

Artist Assistants: Sarah Arnold, Bonie Bolen, Savannah King, Abigail Litman, Jolene Powell, Leah Seaman, and Liam Thompson

Location: Tunnel underneath the Putnam Street Bridge

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“rooted in kindness” mural

Installed: 2021

Artist: Alix Northrup

Location: Corner of Front and Butler Streets

Collaborative Murals

Installed: 2020

Local Artists: Beth Nash, Erin Zerbe, Hailey Bennett, Geoff Schenkel, Mason Beuhring, Kat Hendrickson, Meg Rataiczak, Zeb Dye, Savannah King, Emma Romanowski, Sara Rosenstock, Bobby Rosenstock, Alix Northrup, Sarah Arnold, and Greta Guimond

Location: Alley between the 200-block of Front & Second Streets

Historic Photo Mural Series

Installed: 2017-2020

Designer: Sara Rosenstock

Photos Courtesy of Marietta College Special Collections

Location: Corner of Front and Butler Streets

Pearl of Appalachia Mural

Installed: 2016

Artist: Bobby Rosenstock

Location: Corner of Front and Butler Streets

Love Lock Tree

Installed: 2016

Artist: Zachary Orcutt

Location: Marietta Harbor

Our awards

Collaborative Murals

2021 Best Ohio Main Street Committee Project

Award by Heritage Ohio

Ohio River Tunnel Mural

2022 Best Ohio Main Street Committee Project

Award by Heritage Ohio

These projects are made possible thanks to generous contributions from private donors, the Marietta Community Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council, and local businesses.

Donate to Public Art

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