Downtown Art Grant Program to Launch in 2022
Marietta Main Street is launching a new effort in 2022 to support the investments of downtown building and business owners into public art. Art Local, a new grant program hosted by the downtown nonprofit, will match dollars of up to $1,500 or 50% for interior and exterior art projects on downtown buildings.
2022 First Friday Lineup Announced
5 Projects Funded with Fall Spruce Up Grant
Octoberfeast Downtown Restaurant Weeks Kick Off 10/10
Restaurants in downtown Marietta are preparing for Marietta Main Street’s first-ever Octoberfeast scheduled from Sunday, October 10th to Saturday, October 23rd. This spin on the well-known restaurant weeks efforts happening across the U.S. invites diners to explore the flavors of local restaurants in Marietta and be entered to win prizes valued at over $600 by using bingo cards.