New Leaders to Join Board in 2022
Starting January 2022, Marietta Main Street will yet again welcome the largest Board of Directors to lead the organization to date; 14 voting board members will join alongside 5 ex-officio community leaders to form a team of 19 qualified, passionate individuals charged with governing Marietta’s 501c3 downtown revitalization organization.
The Marietta Main Street Board of Directors leads the way in supporting eight committees, each housing a series of programs, events, and initiatives vital to the Main Street mission. This leadership is set on the foundation of national accreditation, achieved annually, via Main Street America and Heritage Ohio.
Together, the Main Street Board of Directors works diligently to progress our goals for community and economic development downtown even further. Through collaboration with local stakeholders, a love for Marietta, and an investment of their time, talent, and treasure, the Main Street Board of Directors sets the strategic direction for the organization and our downtown community.
In addition to adding new members to the Main Street Board of Directors, the organization is gaining new leadership on the Executive Committee through the Vice President position.
The Executive Committee guides the leadership and development of the full Board of Directors and works more intimately in partnership with Main Street’s Executive Director to produce the programs of the organization.
Holiday Loft Tour Locations Announced
Main Street Hiring Executive Director
Downtown Art Grant Program to Launch in 2022
Marietta Main Street is launching a new effort in 2022 to support the investments of downtown building and business owners into public art. Art Local, a new grant program hosted by the downtown nonprofit, will match dollars of up to $1,500 or 50% for interior and exterior art projects on downtown buildings.